
Monday, February 21, 2011

Because I am a Nerd . . .

I registered for the T.emple Grandlin's upcoming presentation in Bran.son!  YAY!  I have heard her speak before, but she is bringing her mother for this presentation and I am ECSTATIC!! I come by my nerdiness naturally considering my mother is also going.  Another positive is that it meets the requirements I need to maintain my certification.

I also want to thank Alison at Giggly Girl Designs for our new look.  You can click on her blinkie on the side of my page to check out her work.


  1. Wow! I love the new look. Alison comes through again!!

    And after seeing the HBO movie about Temple I think it's really neat you get to see her speak. What an amazing inspiration for us all in her.

  2. Great new look!

    And, that's great about the presentation. Sounds cool!
